Put Your Face On

My beauty regime has never been what I would call established. I’m terrible at remembering to moisturise and my nails are done when I can muster up the energy and allocate a time slot to do them properly, which is rare.
However, one thing that I’ve always been consistent with is my hair and make up. You’ll never find me in the supermarket fresh faced and greasy haired. Even when the kids were newborns I found the time to put some slap on and do something with my hair. I know plenty of people who can happily leave the house without a scrap of make up and even some who can look like their hair hasn’t seen a brush since the day before and do you know what? It’s fine, it’s just not for me.
I feel better when I’ve put some make up on and ‘sorted’ my hair out. This got me thinking into how I find it easy to do my make up quickly and leave the house on time for work, school run, appointments or whatever. I have a make up bag with the full works, foundation, eye shadow of various colours, eye liners, mascaras, blusher and an eyebrow palette. Most days I have the time to apply the full works but I’m human, I still have days where time runs away from my usually organised self and I have to get ready in a hurry. If you’re looking for a quick fix to putting your face on in a rush, this is what you need in your make up kit.
I use a 4-in-1 from L’Oreal True Match Genius and it truly is a genius. I’d even stretch to say a miracle worker! It’s a 4 in 1 primer, foundation, concealer and powder and comes on a single palette with a sponge applicator. I’m talking 30 seconds to put it on and it even has a mini mirror which comes in handy if you’re on the go and need to refresh or are applying it in the kitchen while the kids are eating their breakfast. Added bonus of being SPF 30 so you’re even protecting your skin from sun damage at the same time.
Eye Shadow
I use a one colour eye shadow from Superdrug. Colour choice is personal preference so I guess my main point here is don’t faff around with more than one colour or any sort of blending. Choose a colour that’s a shade different to your skin tone and brush it on your eyelids. 30 seconds, done.
I use a Kohl eyeliner and don’t give yourself more work by choosing a liquid liner. You need a really steady (not rushed) hand for this and once you’ve made a mistake it can be tricky to correct. Stick with a kohl as your line doesn’t have to be perfect and you can lightly blend any mistakes. I put eyeliner above my eyelashes top and bottom. This will only take a minute and you’re done. The bonus of this product is that it has a sharpener in the lid. This is brilliant especially for such a low cost item.
Your last task is a quick brush of mascara. Choose a simple one step mascara for quick make up. I like a more elaborate product for my full kit but this one is perfect for quick make up. 30 seconds, done.
In two and a half minutes you’ve put make up on for the day and you’ll look and feel ready!
As for your hair, well this is what the messy top knot was invented for. Embrace it.